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Find Your Perfect Partner Webinar Series


My Story

Hi Friend, I'm Celeste

Before I started dating my husband, I had started to believe that love was for other people and not for me. I had dated people, but never felt like I found someone I could be my whole self with. I wanted to find love, but I wasn't sure if love was going to find me.


At my the end of my rope, I decided that I would commit myself to being happy, no matter what. I knew I had to trust God's plan. I had a savings account that I'd been using to store away money for my future wedding. I decided that day, to spend that money doing something that would bring me love and joy, even if it wasn't the way I'd originally planned.


I signed myself up for ballroom dance classes, which was something I'd always wanted to do. One day, I saw a flier for an upcoming dance competition. It sounded like an amazing opportunity! I decided to find a partner and take private lessons to get competition-ready. Initially, I asked a few friends from my dance studio to be my partner, but they didn't seem interested in competing. â €

I knew I was going to attend a Catholic Thrive Conference and I hoped I'd find someone there to ask. I'd seen and talked to my now-husband at other conferences and although we were friendly, we hadn't spent much time together. With intent, I asked him if he'd want to be my dance partner in a ballroom dance competition.


He answered me by saying that doing something like that was his dream! I was shocked and elated! I had no idea then, in that moment, that this was the man I was going to marry and that God had brought him to me when I my heart was ready. 💖

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​If you are here,

you are most likely

  • a faithful Catholic woman who takes her faith seriously

  • a woman who has focused on her career and

  • praying for your vocation. (You may have even thought about a religious vocation.)

  • wondering if you'll ever find "the one."

I have been there and know what it's like. I help guide Catholic single women to move from doubting that they'll ever get married to poised for faithful and committed love.


It would be an honor to help guide you.

You can have a
joyful journey to marriage.


Deeper Confidence and Trust in the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary


A Community of Like-Minded Prayerful Women


One-on-One Coaching


Practical Tools to Move You Forward with Peace

Sowing Seeds of True Love Instagram (2).

Sowing the Seeds

of True Love Course

is Now Open

for Enrollment !!!

Is your dream to be married?

You can find true love.

It's possible.


This course will guide you in

  • connecting with your core values

  • release dating struggles, and

  • trusting the Holy Spirit more. 


There are good Catholic men out there. They are not all "taken." 


This is a 9 week course that gives practical tools to give you momentum in moving forward to finding your true love.

True Love Course







The “True Love” course taught me how to love my-self.  I Learned to trust more in me and in the Lord, to practice positive self-talk, to build a respectful, loving and harmonious relationship with in me and with others. Helped me to be fully in the present moment and to become a person with qualities of a true love practicing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit and recognizing them in a potential mate.


I strongly recommended the “True Love” class with Celeste. She is a kind, gentle, good listener and knowledgeable coach.  In this course, she uses bible verses which are meaningful for our faith.

Magdalena A.

“I enjoyed participating in the True Love course lead by Celeste Sibolboro.  Participating with other like minded women was inspiring and hopeful.  The environment was very supportive and warm and during this time of Covid lockdowns where isolation was sometimes an issue, I looked forward even more to connecting with Celeste and all the other participants in the group who shared their own experiences and positivity.  It was a comforting and uplifting time.


Celeste truly has a sincere and caring interest in wanting to inspire others to pursue love and to continue to do so despite any challenges someone may have had in the past or even the present.  She is very creative in presenting the course and encourages active participation.  She was also very patient and understanding in the event I was running late due to work.


If you are looking for a Christ centered hopeful place to learn about the pursuit of love and relationships while in a safe and caring environment, I’d recommend the True Love course lead by Celeste.  Thank you Celeste!”

Suzy A.

I was excited and delighted to enroll in Celeste's first True Love course. Excited because I have been looking for some fun and meaningful dating relationships after being a widow for 15 years. Delighted because the course is doable being once a week and done via internet access with podcasts and email reinforcements. 

Celeste presented well the different topics to prepare us to meet and recognize our true love prospects. She helped me discern through prayer and creative exercises like Journaling, imagination, vision board planning and hopeful expectations. Sharing our different experiences among a group of Catholic Christian ladies interested in this practical process of our love journeys was fascinating as well as invigorating. 


I learned to let go and LET GOD the Holy Spirit guide me in my choices and actions. I listened to Scripture as God's direct messages on how I will proceed. One Sun day, the message from 1Corinthians 7 was for single people not to be married so they can be free to serve the Lord and be holy.


The following 2 days the message was Jesus send his disciples 2 by 2 to evangelize. If I can find someone who wants to be my discipleship partner, then he has God's stamp of approval... Celeste followed up on my progress after the course, encouraging me to be open to possibilities that my true love is on his way. 


• That same night I got two emails from Catholic and I had 8 likes. Wow! I was really surprised because I had not visited those 2 sites for over 10 years. I am choosing between an Irish and Italian widowers.

Nely G.


Join Me for 

Fill Your Cup

of Tea Time

This is a time during the afternoon where you

  • take a break in the day

  • connect with other women

  • connect with Jesus


Stay Tuned --

Fill Your Cup of Tea Time

is coming in May



© 2021 Copyright by Celeste Sibolboro and Celestial Nook

I look forward to connecting with you.

Thank you for connecting with me. I will get back to you as soon as I am able.

Download my Speaker One Sheet by  clicking the PDF button:

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© 2021 Copyright by Celeste Sibolboro and Celestial Nook

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